Custom Catering Menu Design in Vancouver, BC
We can help you design a personalized catering menu for your wedding or a corporate event, showing off your personal taste and style. Contact us at Sugar Mountain Catering to know more about our custom catering menu designing service in Vancouver, BC & the surrounding areas.
The idea for custom designed events came to us one day while my partner Jennifer was enjoying a half-sweet, half-caf, extra hot latte at a famous coffee shop way back in 1999. She turned to me and said "Wow, you can get a personalized coffee, but why is it the most important day of your life is determined by pre-set menus provided by a venue or catering company?" With that the concept of customizing wedding menus came to be: couples share their loves and food passions with us and we create wedding food that is personal, menus that are fresh and say something about the couples style and preferences. Since this time, we have designed catering menus for over 1,000 weddings, dinner parties and corporate events.